Libra Horoscope

Jul 27, 2024… Libras will likely feel extra social today. You could find yourself chatting with the clerk at the checkout line and cracking jokes with the teller at the bank. This outgoing vibe could even draw in romantic interest. Don’t be surprised when people get flirty or your partner is more affectionate than usual, or you can use it to make a new friend. It’s a great day to be you, so live it up!

Today’s Soul Advice: We cannot force other people to change, but we can create change within ourselves. We can work each day toward improving our human decency, kindness and tenderness towards the world. Perhaps changing ourselves for the better will inspire others to do the same. You never know the impact your actions will have on someone else.


How to Be Happy When You’re Depressed

How to Be Happy When You’re Depressed

Do not mistake depression with feelings of sadness. They are vastly different. Depression is...