Sagittarius Horoscope

Jul 27, 2024… Sagittarians could feel the weight of confinement today. Do you feel like something or someone has been holding you back? If not, you may be looking to break out of your own thought process. When you figure out who or what’s making you feel smothered, search for ways to get more space out of the situation. You may just need a day by yourself or some soul searching. Give yourself some room to breathe today and you’re likely to get a clearer view of your path to freedom.

Today’s Soul Advice: We cannot force other people to change, but we can create change within ourselves. We can work each day toward improving our human decency, kindness and tenderness towards the world. Perhaps changing ourselves for the better will inspire others to do the same. You never know the impact your actions will have on someone else.


How to Be Happy When You’re Depressed

How to Be Happy When You’re Depressed

Do not mistake depression with feelings of sadness. They are vastly different. Depression is...