Little Reminders to Cope With Stress
Everyone deals with stress; it is part of being human. Its darkness can close in from any direction in your life at a given...
A Speedy Self-Massage for Stress
You may not always have time during a busy day to stop, drop, and do an hour of yoga or a relaxing meditation. You...
Relax into Tingly Happiness Using a Surprising Method
Are you stressed out and struggling? Take a moment to close your eyes and check in with yourself. It usually doesn’t take long to...
Epic Playlist to Raise Your Vibe
There is magic in music. It has a way of touching souls and influencing moods. Oftentimes, though, people listen to music that matches their...
Shadow Work: Embracing Your Dark Side
They say the dark side has cookies, but perhaps people shouldn’t need to be bribed with sweets in order to embrace their shadow selves....
Awesome Affirmations for Your Morning Routine
Adding a little sunshine to your morning doesn’t have to just mean soaking in some sun rays. You can brighten your day by adding...
The Zodiac As The Seven Deadly Sins
Ah, the seven deadly sins. We know them well, and even if most of us would like to adjust our halos and say with...
The Mind-Body Connection: How Powerful Are Your Thoughts?
Our mind and body are connected, undeniably. But have you ever pondered over how your thoughts might hinder or help your physical well-being? In...
3 Tips for Setting Realistic, Attainable Short-term Goals
What do you want to achieve today? The feeling of accomplishment is one of the most powerful of all satisfying emotions. While it’s wonderful...
Do You Feel Like You’ve Been Cursed?
Throughout life, sometimes things get tougher than usual. While you may just be having a bout of bad luck, perhaps it crosses your mind...