Aquarius Horoscope

Apr 25, 2024… Goodness knows that you are often known for having emotions that ebb and flow like waves on the shore, Aquarius. Today, it can be those around you who are simply all over the place. Now, the challenge here will be to try not to pick up on the feelings of those around you or allow them to suck you down into whatever they are feeling. Staying grounded as you go through your day by reminding yourself that this isn’t your circus can help you keep your cool.

Today’s Soul Advice: If the past seems to resurface in a flash of memories or dreams, don’t beat yourself up for it. Instead of being hard on yourself for remembering things you’d rather keep forgotten, recall the lessons you learned from the experiences. Those lessons could be vital to what you’re going through today.


How to Be Happy When You’re Depressed

How to Be Happy When You’re Depressed

Do not mistake depression with feelings of sadness. They are vastly different. Depression is...