A Holiday Intention Meditation

You may not be dashing through the literal snow during the holiday season, but you’re likely feeling the hustle and bustle as you race through busy shopping malls, load up your online shopping cart, or zoom from one holiday event to the next. That special time of year can be overwhelming. While it’s filled with joy for many, there’s no denying that it can also be a time of depression, frustration and exhaustion.

But it doesn’t have to be.

This holiday intention meditation that we found online for you is the perfect gift to give yourself today. This short and gentle meditative practice can help you reset and restore yourself so that you can reconnect to what you love about this time of year. It can be hard to remember what that is when you’re rushed off your feet with checklists and obligations. Check time with yourself off that list and find a moment of silence, stillness, and gratitude in the day.

You don’t have to get your tinsel in a tangle. Put down the gift wrap or shopping list or that heavy burden of sadness and grief you may be carrying. Just breathe. And listen to this short but lovely holiday meditation.

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